A Philippine zoo is giving tigers frozen treats made of animal blood and preventing lions from mating during the hottest time of the day as a intense heat scorches the country.

Preventing heat stroke, particularly among the big cats, was the “main priority”, zoo veterinarian Dave Vinas told AFP on Tuesday when the mercury hit 37 degrees Celsius in the city.

Water is splashed on the walls and ground of concrete enclosures throughout the day to help lower the temperature inside.

Bloodsicles” made from frozen ground beef or chicken, animal blood and vitamins are given to the big cats to lick.

Tigers and lions are also regularly sprayed with water and take dips in pools inside their pens.

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Water is also poured over the enclosures housing snakes and turtles to help regulate their body temperature..

“Even if they get good ventilation, the temperature every year gets worse and worse,”

“We just find ways to make it better for the animals.”